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Juan Ignacio Baixas is a UC Architect (1968) with postgraduate studies on prefabrication in France under the direction of Jean Prouvé. He was a full professor at the School of Architecture of the Catholic University of Valparaíso between 1972 and 1990. He is currently a professor at the UC School of Architecture, serving as Director of the School and member of the Editorial Committee of ARQ magazine between 2004 and 2014. He was part of the research team of the FONDEF DO3I1020 project “Housing Design by Envelope” and is also the author of the book “Resistant Form”, educational material for architecture students, which takes works of certain architectural value and analyses its physical resistance to stress, loads, earthquakes, wind and other phenomena.
He has developed his professional work in the Baixas y Del Río Arquitectos office, being co-author of works such as the Mirador Interactive Museum (MIM), the Puertas de la Reina Housing Complex, the PROLAM Building, and the Patio Alameda Building, among others.
He was awarded the 2006 Fermín Vivaceta Prize by the Chilean Association of Architects, the AOA Academic Career Medal (2017) and was president of the XVI Chilean Architecture Biennial in 2008. His work “Casa en La Dehesa” and the furniture “Silla Puzzle” have been part of the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art in New York (MoMA) since 2015.


She is an architect (1999) from the Ricardo Palma University, Lima, Peru. She won the Cori Wasi Prize for the best student of her class. She won the prize for the best thesis of the year. In 2002 she took the postgraduate course Sustainable Building and Urban Design at the IHS, The Netherlands. In 2008 she finished her PhD in sustainable architecture at UCL, Belgium. She is a regular lecturer at PUCP, where she teaches at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism since 2003, since 2017 also in the Master in Architecture, Urbanism and Sustainable Territorial Development.
As part of her teaching work, she has taught courses on theory, structures, construction, architectural and urban design, research seminars, built environment and sustainability. She is the author of “Hacia una arquitectura de tercera Generación” (2007) and Guía de Proyecto Sustentable (2009) and was part of the research team on “Transferencia tecnológica para la mejora de la salud, confort térmico y seguridad en la vivienda de zonas de clima frío intertropical de altura, aplicada al hábitat altoandino de la región Puno” (Technology transfer for the improvement of health, thermal comfort and safety in housing in high altitude intertropical cold climate zones, applied to the high Andean habitat of the Puno region) between 2014 and 2016.
In 2012 he co-organised the international conference PLEA2012 at PUCP. She was a member of the University Assembly and is currently a member of the Faculty Council FAU-PUCP. She is a founding partner of POGGIONE+BIONDI ARQUITECTOS, with works such as House in Santa Eulalia (2010), Verdea Building (2004) and Holiday Inn Miraflores Hotel (2019), among others.

“Energy Renovation Towards Net-Zero Carbon Emission Buildings: a case study in Sweden”
Ricardo Bernando; Rafael Pizarro
Division of Energy and Building Design, Lund University, Sweden
“Optimisation of Housing Design Options for Human-Centric Lighting: Impact Of Architectural Parameters On Daylight”
Hoang, Kelvin; Peters, Terri
Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada
“Natural Ventilation for Indoor Air Quality in Schools Regarding Thermal Comfort during the Winter Season in Chile”.
Martín Ordenes; Gilles Flamant
Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil and Centro de Desarrollo Urbano Sustentable, CEDEUS, Chile.